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REVIEW by Lorna: Inescapabale (The Premonition #1) by Amy Bartol (@Amy_A_Bartol , @MollyKatie112)

My name is Evie Claremont and this was to be the making of me–my freshman year of college. I had been hoping that once I had arrived on Crestwood’s campus, the nightmare that I’ve been having would go away. It hasn’t.

I may be an inexperienced seventeen-year-old, but I’m grounded…sane. Since meeting sophomore Reed Wellington, however, nothing makes any sense. Whenever he is near, I feel an attraction to him–a magnetic kind of force pulling me towards him. I know what you’re thinking…that sounds fairly awesome. Yeah, it would–if he liked me, but Reed acts as if I’m the worst thing that’s ever happened to Crestwood…or him. But, get this, for some reason every time I turn around he’s there, barging into my life.

What is the secret he is keeping from me? I’m hoping that it is anything but what I expect: that he is not exactly normal…and neither am I. So maybe Crestwood won’t be the making of me, but it could be the breaking of me. I have been left to wonder if the dark future my dream is foretelling is…inescapable.

One of my favorite authors, Amber Lynn Natusch, went on her Facebook page to recommend this book to her readers. Since she hasn’t steered me wrong ever, I decided to read this. I am so glad I did.
Evie Claremont is a college freshman at a private college. She meets two young men that she is attracted to almost immediately. One, Reed, is charismatic and she is totally drawn to him. With the other, Russell, she feels like she has known him forever. The problem with Reed? He wants nothing to do with her and actually tells her to leave and not come back. Russell just wants her as his girlfriend. Weird things start happening to her on her first day on campus. She cuts herself and a few minutes later can’t find the cut.  Something floats by her upstairs window in the dorm but there is nothing there. She has nightmares about a 7-11 store and blood. She thinks she might be going a bit crazy. And Reed seems to think she is something other then a college co-ed. He is also able to persuade people with his voice and uses it on Russell but it doesn’t work on Evie.  In order to tell much more of the story I would have to use spoilers and I really don’t want to do that. I had no idea where this book was going and that, in this case, was a really good thing.
This book is a lot longer then most books by indie authors that I read, and all of it is put to good use by the author. It is very well written and it is really hard to put down once started. The characters of Evie, Reed and Russell are skillfully drawn by the author. I also liked the lesser characters of Buns and Brownie-friends from her dorm. There’s a lot of action for those that like that and of course romance but no sexual situations. I am halfway through the next book in the series and from what I understand from others that have read all of them, the series just keeps getting better as you go. I give this a solid 5 stars and if the series gets any better, I wonder if there is the possibility of 6 stars? I guess I can’t do that.  I highly recommend this to all paranormal romance readers out there.
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